Friday, March 25, 2011

Moving up to "Normal."

I don't have any pictures to post today...Just a quick update. Kylie had her 4 month well baby check up yesterday with Dr. Ness! :) She has officially been moved from the preemie growth chart on to the full term growth chart. Here are her new stats: Kylie weighs 13 pounds 14 ounces, which is the 55th percentile for a "normal" 4 month old baby. She is 23 inches long, which is the 12th percentile and her head circumference is 40.3 cm (15. 9 inches), which is the 29th percentile. Considering she is gestationally 8 weeks younger than the 4 month old babies she is being compared to, I'd say she is doing a pretty good job catching up! Way to go, Kylie Bean! I'm so proud of my big girl!


  1. That is awesome that she is in the 55th percentile! Great job Kylie!

  2. What great news!! That's fabulous Kylie!! :)

  3. Amazing news guys! Elias has been hanging in the 25th percentile for most of his life, so she is doing better than him! Must be good parenting! :)
