Thursday, January 20, 2011

2 Months

Kylie is 2 months old!

Tipping over!

Kylie turned 2 months old yesterday on January 19th. That's 61 days in case you were wondering. It's hard to believe that she is getting so old! :) She is growing up too fast.

Kylie had her 2 month check up and shots yesterday...That was quite the experience. Kylie got to see her pediatrician, Dr. Ness (YAY!), for the first time. Molly (Dr. Ness) examined Kylie from head to toe...It was fun to chat with Molly and see her at work! As a side note, she's really good if anyone is looking for a pediatrician!!! Kylie did really well at the appointment. She screamed during her 4 shots, which is expected, but calmed right down once I picked her up. I thought she took 'em like a champ! It was after we got home that things got interesting. It was clear that Kylie wasn't feeling well because she SCREAMED for 5 hours straight unless I was holding her. She also wouldn't eat, and only wanted to sleep, which is so not like Kylie. Because I can flip the switch into disaster mode instantaneously, I cried right along with Kylie for many hours. I also called A LOT of people...I called Jon, my mom, Sari, and my personal pediatrician, Molly. Everyone came to my rescue with good advice and Tylenol. After I gave Kylie the Tylenol, she calmed down and starting acting normally again. I guess I know what to expect at her appointments from now on.

Okay...Moving on to Kylie's 2 month update. At 2 months, Kylie still likes to eat and cuddle. She especially likes tummy to tummy time with both Jon and me. She loves being held, and I have been holding her in the Moby wrap more frequently. She seems to like tummy time on the floor as well. She likes riding in her car seat, and she likes sleeping in the bassinet at night. Lastly, Kylie likes to "talk" a lot. When she is awake, and sometimes when she is asleep, she is constantly grunting, squealing, or squawking. It's cute when we're awake, but a little distracting when we are trying to sleep.

Kylie does not like having her clothes changed, especially when they go over her head. She really hates waiting for her bottle when she is ready for it. She goes from calm to furious in a few seconds. There is no in between. She also does not like getting out of the bath...I suppose it feels cold for her. She mostly seems like a happy baby (knock on wood), though, so I don't think she has too many dislikes.

As for Kylie's 2 month milestones...She now weighs 9 pounds 11 ounces. Goodbye newborn clothes...Hello 0-3 months clothes! She is in the 90th percentile for weight on her preemie growth chart. She is 20 inches long, which is about the 60th percentile, and her head circumference is in the 70th percentile. She's a big girl! Kylie is starting to make eye contact and track things with her eyes. She likes to look around when she is awake...It makes me think that she is learning all about her environment. I like to try to figure out what she is looking at and then explain what it is to her. She is also starting to turn her head towards sounds, especially voices. She can hold her head up for a few seconds, but usually lets it fall down pretty hard which makes her cry. She is eating about 70ish milliliters (2.5 ounces) every 2-3 hours. She still hasn't mastered breastfeeding, but we continue to practice. Hopefully she'll get the hang of it soon! She is also still working on her social smile. I don't think she has it down yet, but I think she's getting close.

I hope you enjoy her 2 month pictures!


  1. I LOVE that quilt in the picture! Did you make it? Kylie is a doll!!!

  2. My sister-in-law, Ingrid, made the quilt. She is the craftiest person I know...Her website is
