Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Making Progress

A big stretch!

Sleeping with daddy! Can you see a resemblance?

She pulled out her feeding tube during her bath...Little stinker!

Kylie is continuing to make good progress...Each day she gets a little bigger and stronger. You can almost see the neurons firing inside her peanut head. She has reached another weight milestone...She passed 6 pounds yesterday! YAY! She actually weighed in at 6 pounds and 2 ounces. I think she might be the biggest 35 weeker here! :) You can see the weight in her belly and cheeks...She is definitely starting to plump up! No more preemie clothes for her! Because her weight is going up, so is the amount of food she gets with each feeding. She is up to 51 milliliters of 24 calorie breast milk every 3 hours. They supplement the milk with calories to help her gain weight faster. It's clearly working like a charm!

In other Kylie-related news...She still has a full head of hair, but it's starting to rub off on the sides where her head rests on the bed. She also still hates her feeding tube...She pulls it out at least once every other day. It's kind of funny, but I feel so bad for her when they put it back in because she sneezes until it's all the way down to her stomach. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt her. Her cry, while it stresses me out a bit, is one of my favorite sounds. It reminds me that she is like any other normal baby. I can't wait until you all hear it...When you hear that wail, there will be no doubt in anyone's mind that she has a really strong set of lungs! Sometimes, right before she cries, she does a lower lip quiver. It's super cute and impossible to resist! With that little lip, she will always be able to get what she wants! She has had 3 or 4 more baths, and she still loves them. When her hair is wet, you can definitely see some waves...I am crossing my fingers for her dad's curls!

AND I saved the best for last! She has reached one more important milestone this week...She has finally started to breastfeed!!! She is not eating enough to gain weight, but she is eating enough that we have had to hold some tube feedings off for an hour or two. Eventually, the goal is for her to be completely breastfed AND gaining weight.

The three pictures of Kylie were taken within the last few days! Enjoy!


  1. Yay for breastfeeding and for gaining so much weight! We are praying that things continue to go well so that she gets to go home soon.

  2. That's great news!! I'm looking forward to hearing that cry!
    Any new estimate of when y'all will get to take Kylie home?? I've been praying for before Christmas! :)

  3. What great news! Way to go Kylie! We need to come see her again...I agree with you, lip quivers are so cute :)

  4. Yay, Kylie! And yay Mom and Dad. :) Your posts are so fun, Emily. They always make me smile. :)

  5. Such great news! Keep it up Kylie!! Thanks for the updates Em, thinking of all three of you lots these days.
