Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

We had a really fun 4th of July! We stayed in Stewie, and enjoyed all of the Summerfest activities! We started the day out with a little running. I ran the 3 mile race with Molly. Even though I slowed her down a bit, we still finished 4th and 5th in our age group! Then Kylie and I ran the Kids Fun Run! I thought this would simply be a short little sprint down the road, but it was actually a 1/2 mile trail run! Kylie did a great job, and even ran about 1/2 of it! After running, Kylie rode the kiddie train, we walked around the park, and ate greasy food for lunch. We enjoyed corn dogs, cheese curds, and mini donuts! YUM! Then we headed home for nap time. In the evening, we enjoyed the parade from the curb of my cousin's house. My mom and dad, the mayor, were in it again. This year they rode on a horse-drawn carriage. Kylie was awesome, and she loved waving at the floats and collecting candy. To cap off our busy day, we drove up to Rochester to our friends' house. The Potter's had their annual Independence Day party for the orthopedic residents. Although most of the families from our class are gone, it was great to say some last good-byes to some of the younger families! We kept our kids up late, but had them in bed just in time to watch the grand finale of the Stewie fireworks show from my parent's deck! It was a crazy, fun, wonderful day!

 Our sweet babes showing off their 4th of July outfits!

 Molly and I finishing the run!
 Kylie and I at the start of the kids fun run!

 We told her she needed to stretch.
She also does this move when we ask her to do gymnastics! :)

 Kylie and I finishing the kids run!
She was awesome!

 Riding the train!
I think she thought she was actually driving!

 Mia and Kylie at the parade!

 My mom and dad's carriage approaching!

My dad coming to say hi to his grandkids!

Summer Fun!

Here's another picture post, and it's a little Kylie-heavy again. It's just because she is so photogenic right now. Whenever she does something cute, she says, "Take picture, mama. Say cheeeeese!" It's adorable, and I can't resist! This is what we have been up to lately...

 Kylie had her very first dentist appointment with Dr. Bro.
He checked and counted her teeth.
She has 20, and they look good!
I forgot to take picture during the actual appointment, but this is right after in the office.
She is showing me how she showed the dentist her teeth.

 Rebecca and Ella joined us for some fun at the farm.
We rode the gator, looked at the cows, and had a delicious home-cooked meal!

 This might be my favorite picture of Kylie ever!
It's part of the sneak peek from our professional pictures with Rachel Eagle.
We can't wait to see the rest!

 We went to the Rochesterfest parade!
Kylie LOVED it! Can you tell?!
She clapped and waved for every float.

 Brooks' favorite toys right now are the kitchen toys.
Here he is showing me a pink pot!

 We celebrated Emmit's birthday at the park!
Kylie was trying out one of his presents, a John Deere tractor.

 I'm busy working on another t-shirt quilt for Rebecca.
These are her sorority t-shirts.

 Annnd another sad good-bye.
Rebecca and Ellasen left.
The good news is that they will be in New York City, which is only a short train ride from Philly.
We'll see them again soon!
From L to R, this is Ella, Kylie, Ellasen, and Chloe.

 Kylie and Emmit reading together!

Happy 4th of July from our two little firecrackers!