Jon graciously shared Father's Day with Kylie, as it was the day she turned 7 months old! It's hard to believe that so much time has gone by since she surprised us with her early arrival in November! Time flies!
She continues to change and develop so fast. Every time we blink, she is doing something new. She is still a happy little girl. She smiles constantly...And she has the best smile! It's a full-on, open mouth smile, and her big, Barlow eyes just sparkle! She loves when we sing to her and when we laugh. She loves "playing" with her toys. Her playing is more like transferring her toys between her hands and her mouth. Speaking of her mouth, she loves putting everything and anything in it, which I do NOT like at all! (I'm still applying hand sanitizer 100 times each day. I suppose I'll have to get over that soon!) She still loves her thumb, which I guess falls in the "putting everything and anything in her mouth" category! She is also still diggin' the stroller (although it's just the umbrella stroller these days...stupid BOB) and riding in the car. She likes her freedom...I know this because she fights us when we try to cuddle with her too much. She arches and wiggles until she has completely squirmed away from us. The girl is going to have an independent streak! She likes her bouncer seat and her exersaucer. And I think the bumbo is growing on her too.
She still does not like extreme temperatures, although I have figured out a trick for getting her out of the bath tub without her getting too mad. Instead of wrapping her in only one towel, I wrap her in two or three towels and then immediately put her diaper on her. This seems to keep her warmer and happier. As I said before, she does not love to cuddle...Tear. She will still cuddle when she is tired, but that is pretty much it. She doesn't like being woken up...She's like her daddy in that way.
As for her milestones this month, it seems that she is mostly building on her accomplishments from last month. She is rolling all over the place...Front to back and back to front. I have to constantly keep my eye on her or she ends up across the room or under the coffee table. She is sitting in the bumbo on her own with her head held up (as opposed to slumped over), but she can't sit independently on the floor yet. She did start one new habit...She sucks on/chews on her lower lip. I'm not sure why she does this...My only thought is that maybe it feels good on her gums!?! She is eating 4 times per day at about 8:00am, 12:00pm, 4:00pm and 8:00pm. She eats about 6-8 ounces per feeding...We haven't tried solid food yet. I think we will give it a go once we get back to Rochester. She takes 2 or 3 naps each day...One in the morning from about 9:30-11:00am, one in the evening from about 2:00-4:00pm, and sometimes a little 30-45 minute cat nap in the evenings around 6:00pm. She still sleeps about 11-12 hours at night from about 8:30pm-8:00am. It's wonderful! She is almost completely in 6-9 month or 6-12 month clothing, and she is wearing size 3 diapers.
As far as the adventures in breastfeeding go...I'm slowly weaning myself off the pump (since I have a few months worth of frozen milk at home). I'm down to pumping 4 times per day, but I hit a little speed bump last week. I realized I am still basically pumping the same amount as I was when I was pumping 6 or 7 times per day (about 35 ounces)...I just get more at each pumping. So the new plan is to stay at 4 times per day and slowly cut down the minutes that I am pumping. I didn't realize how complicated this was going to be...We'll see how it goes!
That's it for now. Enjoy the longest day of the year! Happy summer!
just caught up on your last few posts - love all of the pictures! glad you are having a great time in FL, can't wait to see you when you return to the midwest. Hugs to all of you!