On Friday morning, we went out for breakfast at a famous restaurant called the "Loveless Cafe." The food was delicious, especially the homemade biscuits and jam. After breakfast, we were given a quick tour of the city...We saw the Bellemeade Plantation, some great, old houses, and the downtown. It is such a beautiful city! We then went back to the house for an afternoon nap. For dinner, the Powells took us to a family style restaurant called "Monell's." They served traditional southern food including, fried chicken, BBQ ribs, corn pudding, fried green tomatoes, and much more. It was wonderful! Saturday morning, we slept in a little bit and then went to a track meet for one of the Powell boys. Friday's weather was a little cold, but Saturday was a glorious day! It was nice to spend some time outside, but it was time to hit the road again!
When we started out on Saturday, we weren't sure how far we wanted to go. We knew we didn't want to do too much driving on Sunday so we decided to push as far as we could that day. We ended up getting all the way to Savannah, Georgia, which was about 8 hours from Nashville. We spent the night in a hotel just outside of Savannah. We woke up in the morning, ate breakfast and hopped in the car for the last little stretch of highway. Savannah is about 2 hours from Jacksonville so we were able to get there around noon.
After arriving in J-ville, we collected our apartment keys, unloaded the trailer, and hit up the nearest Panera for a late lunch. The weather was warm and sunny...It was a great welcoming to Florida. After lunch, we dropped the trailer off at the nearest U-haul location and picked up Jon's rental car (a shiny, silver Nissan Altima). Then we headed back to the apartment to get settled. The apartment is pretty nice, but that's another post for another day...
It was quite the eventful trip, and we are glad that it is over and we made it to Florida safe and sound! Kylie was a road trip champ! We were very proud of her!
OH MY GOSH! I told you! That snake was HUGE! I don't really do wild life, but I think that thing would have freaked anyone out! It was cm away from falling out of that retention wall and into Ellasen's stroller! Tim didn't see it either so now at least there is someone credible to corroborate my story - you know someone out of diapers! Otherwise it sounds like you are having a great time!